Nov 24, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Home for the Rainy Season

by Rozen Sosnovsky

Ideally, your home should offer a safe and reliable shelter for you and your loved ones during weather disturbances like storms, hail, or strong winds. Routine preventive maintenance gives you peace of mind about your family’s safety and minimizes the risks of expensive water damage on your property. However, as with most things, it pays to plan ahead. In this article, we share practical tips on how to prep your home for the rainy season.

Get Your Roof and Gutters Checked

Call a professional roofer at least twice a year to inspect your roof for visible indications of damage and deterioration, which may lead to leaks inside your home. Common signs may include:

  • Cracked or missing roof tiles
  • Unhinged roofing panels
  • Rusting and discoloration 
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Sagging or warping

While you’re at it, it’s also recommended to check how your solar panels work, and look for damages, such as cracks, burnt marks, and other signs of degradation, so that they can be repaired or replaced immediately. Solar panels with severe fractures cannot perform sufficient energy.

Check Windows and Doors from the Inside 

Take a closer look at your windows and doors and ensure they are sealed properly so rainwater and moisture cannot permeate the gaps. One way to weatherproof your windows for the monsoon and winter seasons is by caulking the edges and joints of the window frame using silicone, latex, or rubber-based compounds.

Clean and Declutter Outdoor Entertaining Areas 

Prepare your outdoor areas, such as your porch, balcony, deck, or garden, for the onset of powerful winds during a storm. Keep patio furniture and other items usually left outside in a secured location, like your garage or toolshed, to prevent them from being blown away, resulting in injuries or damage to property.

Keep Electronic Devices and Appliances on Upper Floors

Suppose you’re using your basement as a storage or recreational area. In that case, evacuating electronic devices, and other appliances to the upper floors of your home may be wise to keep them safe in case of a flood. Stock up on essential household cleaning equipment to keep your home spotless after the rainy season.

Prepare an Emergency Kit 

With the effects of climate change intensifying storms, it’s better to be fully prepared for any scenario. So, get ready with an emergency kit stored in an accessible location at home known to all family members. 

  • Have a sufficient supply of ready-to-eat food and drinking water to last each family member for three days. Remember to include pet food if you have a fur baby at home.
  • Organize a first-aid kit for minor medical situations.
  • Stock up on batteries, torches, and emergency power supply in case of blackouts. They can power you off-grid even amid strong typhoons. Perhaps, these 10 reasons to go solar can encourage you to take the switch!
  • Have a separate go bag filled with a change of clothes, a stash of food, and other essentials you must bring if you must evacuate to safer ground.

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